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How to comprehensively evaluate an FPC sampling manufacturer

Release date:2023-06-01

The best way to evaluate a good FPC sample manufacturer is to visit the factory, and we can gain a comprehensive understanding of an FPC manufacturer through on-site inspections. So, how should remote customers comprehensively evaluate an FPC sampling manufacturer?

1. FPC qualification

Only manufacturers with certain qualifications and requirements can have the qualification for FPC production and manufacturing. For example, UL certificates, quality qualification certificates, business licenses, and other qualification certificates.

2. Product quality of FPC sampling manufacturers

By collaborating with manufacturers on sample images or samples, we can gain a general understanding of the quality and process capabilities of each other's products. Through the process requirements of the product, one can understand the other party's grasp of the manufacturing process of the product. Manufacturers with strong technological capabilities can often produce good products.

3. Technical services of FPC sampling manufacturers

By understanding the technical services provided by FPC sample manufacturers in the future, enthusiastic problem-solving FPC manufacturers often attach great importance to customer relationship management. After all, FPC flexible circuit boards involve various process issues that need to be addressed through communication and coordination. Unlike other products, FPC flexible circuit boards require high production technology requirements. Without corresponding technical services from FPC sampling manufacturers, they cannot produce good products.

4. Is there a strict quality supervision system in place.

Does it have a strict supervision and management system, such as IQC raw material testing management, OQC shipment inspection, QE inspection standards, and QA quality assurance? A strict quality supervision system indicates that its products have high quality and are worth choosing from.