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What is PCB copying?

Release date:2023-06-12

PCB copying is a reverse research technique that uses a series of reverse research techniques to obtain PCB design circuits, circuit schematics, and BOM tables for an excellent electronic product. Through this reverse research method, it takes two to three years for others to develop a product. Through the reverse research method of PCB copying, we may only need one month to learn from the results developed by others in two to three years. This has played a very important role in promoting our developing countries to catch up with the world. Moreover, the development of reverse research technology has played a promoting role in the technological breakthroughs of development teams, and the vigorous development of reverse research technology has also led to continuous updates of forward research technology. The competitive relationship between forward research and reverse research has enabled the rapid development of electronic technology in recent years. Electronic products are updated almost once a year, but the speed of electronic product updates will only become faster and faster in the future. Because PCB copying lowers the threshold of electronic technology. PCB copying has rapidly brought more and more developing countries to the forefront of high-tech electronics, and they are working together with developed countries to study electronic technology. The larger the research team, the more advanced electronic technology in this world can be