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Introduction to FPC connectors for battery FPC soft circuit boards!

Release date:2023-06-23

The abbreviation for FPC flexible printed circuit connectors for batteries on the market is FPC connectors. They have the characteristics of high cable density, portability, and thinness, hence they are called soft circuit boards, soft printed circuit boards, or flexible circuit boards. Most FPC connectors are made of polyimide (PI) or polyester film (PET), which improves the reliability of FPC connectors.

In fact, FPC connectors may vary depending on the way the raw materials and copper cladding are connected. Therefore, FPC can be divided into two main types: 3-layer FCCL and 2-layer FCCL. Each of the two models has its advantages and disadvantages.

2-layer FCCL has greater flexibility, and the cost of using 2-layer FCCL as a raw material in the market is too high. In contrast, 3-layer FCCL is much cheaper and usually used in the market. However, the flexibility and flatness parameters of its pad are not as good as those of 2-layer FCCL, so there may be welding defects such as cracks, which manufacturers should try to avoid.

Due to the more widespread use of 3-layer FCCL in the market, more and more connector manufacturers are adopting it and developing it better. Two different types of FCCL can be classified based on the number of copper foil layers, including multi-layer boards, double-sided boards, single-layer boards, and double-layer boards.

Single layer boards have the simplest structure. Connector manufacturers typically use structures that include raw materials, transparent plastic, and copper foil. Some FPC connector manufacturers use structures that include a layer of protective plastic and transparent plastic. This structure can greatly improve the mechanical strength of 3-layer FCCL.

Double layer structure is used for complex circuits that cannot be wired or shielded. Unlike single-layer boards in VIA structures, multi-layer boards can effectively connect different layers of copper foil. Double panel welded on both sides, mainly used to connect other circuit boards. In addition, FPC connector can be used in MP3 and MP4 player, digital camera, mobile phone and mobile phone battery. The future development prospect of FPC connector is very good.