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Unique characteristics of FFC flexible cable

Release date:2023-08-14

FFC flexible flat cable, also known as Flexible Flat Cable in English and Flexible Flat Cable in Chinese. FFC flexible flat wire is not a dry and dry flat wire, its inherent characteristics are the essence of being human.

The first F, flexible, means "soft" in Chinese. This is just like in the Tao Te Ching, where goodness is like water. The spirituality of water is the softest in the world, and it likes to be in low places. When encountering obstacles, it goes around. Water is truly able to stand aloof from the world, precisely because it can become its great (sea) without struggle. The first feature of FFC flexible cable is highly consistent with the characteristics of water. It is precisely because of its softness that it has been widely used. In printers, inkjet printers, and copiers, the needle moves back and forth, driving the FFC flat flat wire to move back and forth to achieve material printing; The FFC cable of the security camera is precisely due to its flexibility, which can achieve perfect monitoring with the 360 ° rotation of the camera lens without dead angles.

The second F, flat, means "flat" in Chinese. Water always flows continuously from high altitudes to low altitudes, always staying, stagnating, and pausing at the relatively lowest point, which is the common and true principle known as "water flows to the lower places". The nature of water likes low places, leaving high places to others, and always adhering to the low-key nature. The second attribute of FFC flexible flat soft flat cable highlights "flatness", which also lowers oneself and prevents it from expanding and protruding. "Flatness" represents a stable and simple, not so wild and roller coaster like * *. As a blood vessel connecting electronic signals, FFC flat cables do not require gorgeous appearances or ornate decorations. They fulfill their duties and fulfill their true nature of "connecting everything", enabling thousands of households to watch exciting TV programs (LVDS LCD TV flexible cable). Office equipment can achieve printing function and serve millions of enterprises through their normal functions, The security monitoring shake head machine can monitor everything in real-time, and the car CD can play soft and beautiful music. The flat feature of FFC flat cables does not occupy much space, making it convenient for the layout and installation of other components.